Homework Policy
I believe homework helps practice the skill taught in class and builds responsibility as a student. 4th graders should have about 40-45 minutes of homework nightly.
4th graders will have nightly homework, Monday through Friday.
Read 20 minutes each night. Record book and pages in planner
Math - nightly practice on skill taught in class
Monthly Math Projects:
Each month fourth grade students will be completing a math project. These projects will help students to understand real world applications of math skills they are learning in class. We are off to a great start so far with our first two projects complete.
Traveling Scientist
Traveling Scientist is a weekly scientist that conducts an experiment at home. Each scientist has a week to ask a question, form a hypotheis, conduct the experiment, and draw conclusions. Each 4th grader will be the scientist of the week once throughout the year. See below for our class scheldule.