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Materials Picture
  • Classroom Information

    Classroom Materials


    - single subject spiral notebook - college ruled

    - pens and/or pencils

    - colored pencils

    Classroom Expectations

      1) Do what's right.

      2) Do your best.

      3) Treat others the way you wish to be treated.

    Classroom Grading System

    Scores and grades on individual assignments and assessments will be weighted accordingly in order to determine a student's overall quarter grade.  Assignments may include vocabulary, video guides, lab sheets, practice questions, test reviews, etc.  The student's average score for assignments throughout the quarter will account for 50% of each student's overall quarter grade.  Assessments may include tests, quizzes, and projects.  The student's average score for assessments throughout the quarter will account for 50% of each student's overall quarter grade.  The combined average of both Assignments and Assessments will determine each student's final grade for the quarter. 

      - Assignments: 50%

      - Assessments: 50%   


    ALL class assignments, assessments, and make-up work is found in CANVAS. Canvas is the number one resource for all aspects of this class.  Canvas is easily accessed through .