Book Activity Options

Reading Links

  • Book Suggestions:

    These lists can give you and your child ideas for books they may want to read next. If they see something interesting, have them write down the title and author, we can add it to their Reader’s Notebook, and they can look for it the next time they are in the classroom library, SJE library or public library.


    A substantial list that breaks it into useful categories: graphic novels, starting chapter books, longer chapter books. Also gives good background information about 3rd graders as readers!


    25 timeless, classic books


    This offers a list of bestsellers and a wide range of topics and levels.


    Another substantial list of books. You will certainly find something for your third grade reader here!


    This is a list of chapter book series. It’s long; you should be able to find something! Finding a series that a child likes can be excellent for creating a love of reading!



    Links to FREE Book Opportunities:

    Nonfiction Reading Opportunities: