Academic Strategies
Course Syllabus
By the end of this class, you will be able to:
- Read long multi-syllable words
- Understand what you read (in grade-level materials)
- Use strategies while you read, such as:
- Word Mapping Strategy
- Word Identification
- Self-Questioning
- Visual Imagery
- Paraphrasing
- Inferencing
- Learn and be able to use new vocabulary words
- Read aloud smoothly and with expression
- Take reading tests with more confidence and perform better on those tests
- Be a productive member of a Learning Community
- Set and achieve long-term goals
To accomplish the above skills and strategies will require cooperation and the development of a Learning Community.
Think of this class as a challenging course in the forest. You will have to work hard independently, but you will also have to work effectively with other students and me. Together we will create a community of people where taking risks is rewarded with success.
Required Materials: Pencils, WIRED Earbuds, Highlighters (yellow, green, blue, pink) Unlimited Motivation & Enthusiasm
Donations of these items appreciated: Boxes of Tissues , sanitizer, paper towels, PENCILS
Novels that will be read:
- The Hunger Games
- The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
- Unbroken
- Juice
Class Rundown: In this class you will learn 7-9 evidence-based strategies to increase your reading skills. Reading is a universal skill needed for success in any profession. These strategies are taught using a variety of delivery methods, such as modeling, direct instruction, guided practice, independent practice, games, mnemonic devices, listening, speaking and collaborative learning. If you use your time wisely, you will NEVER have homework.
Grading Scale
A 90 – 100 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 D 60 – 69 F 0 – 59
Important school and Class Policies::
Attendance is important to your success in school and this class. Refer to your STUDENT HANDBOOK for district wide attendance procedures. If a pattern of non-attendance develops, the principal, dean or attendance team may require documentation to excuse an absence. In the case of unexcused absences, a teacher may deduct up to 30% from the earned grade for makeup work.
Being tardy for this class is unacceptable. You must be in your seat and working on the daily "bellwork" when the tardy bell rings. Tardiness can result in a referral to the Dean of Students. Anyone who is late without a pass is tardy.
Please be aware of the LBHS Tardy to School policy:
ELATESCL: Student is late for school and considered excused because a parent/guardian has called the school to report the tardy and the student has not exceeded the 5 call-ins per quarter limit. Full make-up privileges and no academic penalty to the student.
ULATESCL: Student is late to school and is considered unexcused due to a lack of parent/guardian notification to the school or because of excessive call-ins without formal documentation being provided. Thirty percent may be deducted for missed work.
CHEATING on any quiz, homework or assignment will not be tolerated. Cheating will result in a grade of zero for the assignment and YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO MAKE UP the '0' grade you receive. Also, a referral will be written to a School Administrator. Parents will also be notified. Please remember that plagiarism, as well as, Artificial Intelligence is a form of cheating.
Make-Up Work Policy: If an absence is excused a student may make up work. IT IS THESTUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE THE APPOINTMENT FOR MAKE-UPS.
Classroom Rules (Winners know there are rules and follow the rules.)
1. Come to class on time every day.
2. Work hard and be nice
3. Follow directions the first time.
4. Ask for help if you need it.
Learning Activities
All of the activities below will involve practicing new skills. Think of these activities as the type of practice an athlete, dancer, artist, or musician does to improve skills. Your grades will be based on these activities.
Whole Class Lesson & Discussion
Small Group Work
Paired Practice
Independent Work
Teacher Conferencing
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I have read and understood the class syllabus, grading procedures, and required materials.
Print Student Name Student’s Signature _______________________ _______________________
Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature
______________________ ________________________
Class period __________ Date __________________
Parent/Guardian E-mail: Please print neatly: