ࡱ> OQNg tbjbj .Fxqbxqbt 0000<l0e2$M"j  GGG:GGG,x>!"D50eL,"7"x"xXG  e"B : Lesson Plans Jason Learnard 4th grade Dates: 10-4-21 to 10-8-21 TIMEMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFriday8:10-8:40 Arrival Moring workTake AR tests Get ready for school Get homework Take AR tests Get ready for school Take AR tests Get ready for school Take AR tests Get ready for schoolTake AR tests Get ready for school8:40-9:20 Writing/stations S.S. / ScienceLast paragraph When is the best time to set up Christmas decorations? Opinion writing 30 min Go over writings whole group gradeGo over writings whole group gradeGo over writings whole group gradeCharacter parade 9:20-10:40 + 11:30-12:00, 1:10-1:40 Reading block Stations 4.V.1.1 building vocabulary. 4.r.2.1 text features ESS: How can government influence the way we live? Problem and solutions S.S.4.3.1 explorers who came to Florida and why. Ess: how did the Native Americans and the explorers effect Florida SC.4.E.6.4 Weathering and Erosion Ess: How does renewable and non-renewable resources use effect the Earth? Go over ABCD 3000 #6 Go over Spanish missions questions Continue resources, renewable and non renewable Native American project presentations Reading assessment turbines and dams Intro to St. Augustine week 10 3000 #6 E Unit 4 points of view ESS: What do we learn when we look at the world through the eyes of others? Real world perspectives Continue Native American project presentations  9:35 Awards Go over reading assessments Go over E Knowledge blue print Narrators perspective Read Here, Boy whole group Centers 3000 #7 ABCD S.S. question week 10 St. Augustine Reflex Fluency-A ghost in the attic Monday Me- fluency, comprehension Science- review 48-90 Centers 3000 #7 ABCD S.S. question week 10 St. Augustine Reflex Fluency-A ghost in the attic Tuesday Me- fluency, comprehension Science- review 48-90Character parade Centers 3000 #7 ABCD S.S. question week 10 St. Augustine Reflex Fluency-A ghost in the attic Wednesday Me- fluency, comprehension Science- test 10:45-11:25 SpecialsMedia Stem labArtMusicPE1:40-3:00 Math 4.OA.1.1 multiplication Students will understand real world multiplying problems and solve them Math review Whole group multiplication  Prime and composite Factors and multiples 142-148 Teacher made questions  Prime and composite Factors and multiples 149-156 Teacher made questions Prime and composite Factors and multiples 157- 162 Teacher made questions Go over science test What are renewable and non-renewable resources? Think about what would happen if we ran out of non- renewable resources? What would happen? Name-three renewable resources and three nonrenewable resources. Think about some sources of power and where they come from. List at least two places we could get our power from. Draw a picture of the best energy source you think we should use. %17?@FGKNOVYZ_efmnqz{ɽtf^h CJaJh-&hr5>*CJaJhrhr5CJaJhrh# 5CJaJh755CJaJhIh16h$>*CJ aJ h16hH>*CJ aJ h16h$>*CJ$aJ$h16hH>*CJ$aJ$ h$h$h rhNhrhBEhkhQgh5uh5u>*hK&h'hph5u!Z_fnopq{$$&@#$/Ifa$gd16$&@#$/Ifgd16 gd5u kd$$Iflֈ !4 &ll_ t 6@0u&44 lap<yt38      ( ) 7 L Z $&@#$/Ifgdc $Ifgd|4$&@#$/Ifgd $Ifgd`$&@#$/Ifgd16$&@#$/Ifgd#      ' ( ) K L n o p y ǿǞLj}ypd[LDhgCJaJh-&hrB*CJaJphhr5CJaJhrhr5CJaJh755CJaJh# hchcCJaJh-&h# CJaJh-&h CJaJh-&h:4&CJaJh|4hy CJaJh|4h|4CJaJh|4CJaJh h CJaJh`h CJaJh`h`CJaJh`CJaJh CJaJh# CJaJZ o $&@#$/Ifgdco p kd$$Ifl-ֈ !4 &ll_ t 6@0u&44 lap<yt38p z  > a s $Ifgd:r $Ifgd/ $Ifgd $Ifgdg$&@#$/Ifgd16$&@#$/Ifgdr   = > ` a r s t ȹӔ{o{d\T\ITAh@\CJaJh h'n CJaJh CJaJh'n CJaJh 5>*CJaJhrh5u5CJaJhrhr5CJaJh755CJaJhIh-&h!CJaJh-&hCJaJh-&hb}B*CJaJphhghgB*CJaJphh-&h`CJaJhgCJaJh-&hHCJaJh-&hsFVCJaJhghgCJaJhgs t kd$$Iflmֈ !4 &ll_ t 6@0u&44 lap<yth(Ut  - . / 0 a b d   $&@#$/Ifgd $Ifgd70 $IfgdgJ $Ifgd $&@#$/Ifgd16   , / c d      - . 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